If you read my June budget post, you already know I changed a few things up. (If you haven’t, you can find it here. Among them, instead of listing every. single. debt I have (because at this point, they are legion), I will list the categories and a budgeted/expected amount that is based more on ideal in some instances, than on facts. The goal is to work my way to a true zero-based budget.
Here’s what it looks like:

Unless I wake up independently wealthy, these numbers won’t work. But I will see how close I get. Next month I will do some adjusting.
My S.M.A.R.T. goals:
- 3 no-spend days this month (for me, a true no-spend is zero money movement; no bills, emergency expenses, nada)
- drive (Uber/Lyft) at least twice a week
- pay off SC 3
Uncommon things affecting this month’s budget are also listed: namely, Father’s Day (have to get Dad something!) and my family reunion fees are due.
Driving more will of course cause an increase to my gas cost for the month, but you can’t have everything.
How does your first paycheck budget look?