Debt Breakdown – August 2024 – $235, 591.36

As I was posting my latest YouTube video (Surprise! Check me out here.), it occurred to me that I needed to at least post my debt update from August over here, even though I know I haven’t given this blog much love. I had to look to see where we were when I last posted a debt update: $198,362.83 last year.

You might be saying to yourself, well that’s backwards. You’d be right. When you don’t put focus into something, it is easy to not make progress on it. The facts do not lie; I had to admit myself that I had not been focusing on my debt free journey the way that I told myself I would. It’s probably also why I haven’t been on here lately, but I am not ready for that level of introspection just yet.

To paraphrase some old sayings, just get back up each time you’re knocked down. I’ve already declared this a judgment free zone, so we’re just going to get into the numbers.

Student Loans: $150,580.81. The monthly interest is still $700+, so I’m still scooping cupfuls of water out of a sinking ship on that one.

Personal Loans: $22,506.29. The minimum payments total $963.48, down from $1134.63 in the previous post.

PSL: $1,109.60 – I’m a Falcons season ticket holder. The struggle is real. One day.

Family Loans: $19,138.21

Credit Cards: $14,400.59

And last but not least, my car died, so I now have a car loan again. Not having one was great while it lasted: $27,855.86.

Grand Total: $235,591.36

Without Student Loans: $85,010.55

Do you know how much you owe? If you’re planning to work on your own finances in 2025, knowing how much you owe is still a good first step.