30 Days of Wellness: Day 5

The day started off so well.

I woke up early, a bit rejuvenated I think by making sure to reach my step goal yesterday. I was at 2000 steps before 8 am. Yes, you read that right. Nearly a third of my steps completed before I’d even had breakfast? Your girl was killing it.

And then work happened. I quickly slipped back into an old, familiar habit: getting sucked into a project and letting the time fly by without stopping to take care of myself. We all do it, and habits are so hard to change. Before I knew it, it was the end of the day, then evening, and then it was dark.

Al Pacino in The Godfather

I also remember laying on the couch, pulling the blanket over me, and thinking, “I really need to get my steps in. I’ll get up in a few minutes.”

Well, we all know what happened. I woke up at 12:38am (to go to the bathroom – I’m beginning to wonder if it’s the timing of when I’m drinking my increased water, or just a cumulative side effect) and the day was done.

Day 5 Results:

  • Steps: 5521
  • Water: 32 oz. 
  • Fitbit Active Minutes: 11

And so it goes…

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