30 Days of Wellness: Day 4

“Before beginning this or any exercise program, you should check with your doctor.”

We’ve all seen this warning a million times, right? And if you’re like me, you typically pay about as much attention to it as the FBI warning that comes on before movies. In my case, I figured as long as I’m not trying to jump into anything strenuous, I should be good to go. Why should I go see a doctor?

It is with this same mindset that I began this wellness exercise, with an intent to pick up my activity from my mostly sedentary lifestyle. Start with some walking, maybe go to Planet Fitness and do a round of their 30-minute circuit a time or two per week, throw some weights in if I was feeling real fancy near the end, and work my way up to getting to a point where I’d check in with my doc.

As it turns out, due to a few underlying issues, I can’t even walk! (Yet.) No treadmill, not around my neighborhood. It is too hard on my joints. I was advised to start with the elliptical and/or the bike if I was going to get my cardio exercise on.

I was also told no HIIT (high-intensity interval training) activity, which some quick Google-fu will tell you will give you a good workout in the least amount of time, an enticing prospect for those of us that don’t have time to go to the gym and do a full-on workout. As a newbie (I count myself a member of this category as everyone says you will grow to love working out), I cannot imagine spending hours and hours in the gym every day, or even several times a week.

Me, at the idea of loving the gym

Day 4 Results:

  • Steps: 6643
  • Water: 44 oz. 
  • Fitbit Active Minutes: 40

Anywho, armed with this newfound knowledge, I changed up some things and made SURE to get my steps in, since I didn’t get them in yesterday.

How you doing?

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