Check-In: January Wellness
How are those wellness baby steps coming along? My main goal this month was to increase my step goal to 5500 steps per day. Two sub goals were: Increasing my (pure) water intake. By pure, I mean plain water. I…
real-life journeys, realistic life tips, and random rants
How are those wellness baby steps coming along? My main goal this month was to increase my step goal to 5500 steps per day. Two sub goals were: Increasing my (pure) water intake. By pure, I mean plain water. I…
New year, fresh start, time to get serious about this thing, right? Don’t worry if January 1 was just Tuesday for you – when you’re ready to go hard, you will be ready. In the meantime, let’s keep taking those…
Maybe you’re like me and have (or had) too many baby steps you were trying to tackle at once. In my case, because they were in different areas (daily steps, water intake, eating more regularly), I thought I would have…
I struggled when deciding whether to put this post as a random rant or a wellness post. I clearly have not been doing weekly check-ins on the wellness side of things, and actually just wanted to get some things off…
It’s been a week since we talked about forming better wellness habits – how y’all doing? My plan this summer was that each month I would increase my step goal (tracked by Fitbit) by 500 steps. Mostly sedentary and sitting…
I used to have to wake up at 5am to be ready in time to catch the school bus in the morning. Then 6am. (BIG shout out to my mother by the way, because that rarely happened on its own, even…
It’s a familiar story…one wants to lose weight and eat better, but doesn’t actually want to take the steps necessary to commit to a lifestyle change, particularly when one hates everything about the changes. So nothing happens because wishes still…