Forming Better Habits – Wellness

I used to have to wake up at 5am to be ready in time to catch the school bus in the morning. Then 6am. (BIG shout out to my mother by the way, because that rarely happened on its own, even with electronic help.)

I recall hearing for a long time it takes 21 days to form a habit. Accounting for sick days and such, that was at least 150 days out of each year I had to habitually get out of bed and get ready for school. Habit formed, right?

WRONG. Oh so wrong. My freshman year I had an 8:00 class; I don’t think I even made it to mid-terms before me and this guy were trying to wake before the other to see who would have to go to class to put both our names on the attendance sheet. And yes, that was my last 8:00 class.

According to a study conducted by some fine folks at University College London (and whose simple overview I found on PsyBlog:, it can take an average of 66 days to form a habit.

66 days.

That’s a long time to try to stick to doing something as life-changing but nebulous as eat healthier, exercise every day, or drink 64 ounces of water each day. So as the queen of the baby steps, I want you to take these last 60 days of 2018 and pick 3 baby steps that you can do each day, and every day, from now until the end of the year.

Some examples include:

  • Drink 8 more ounces of water each work day than you are currently, and 4 ounces more each non-work day
  • Walk in place while you brush your teeth or wash your hands
  • Weather permitting, don’t bother about looking for the closest parking space when you go to the store. Just park and walk in.

Now if you want something with a bit more action, I’ve got two options for you:

  1. If you have serious health issues, only have mobility from the waist up, or are starting at absolute zero, check out this 5-minute workout from DoctorOz’s YouTube channel:
  2. If you have a smartphone, check out a 7 minute workout app. The one I use on my iPhone is by Quick Fit, but it doesn’t appear to be offered in the Appstore anymore. It doesn’t matter. If you see one that looks good to you, get it.

Ready to form a habit? Get set.




Disclaimer: as always, the opinions stated are my own and are not offered as professional advice in any shape, form, or fashion. Always check with your physician before beginning any type of exercise or eating routine that may affect your health.

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