It Started with a 4 Week Challenge

It’s a familiar story…one wants to lose weight and eat better, but doesn’t actually want to take the steps necessary to commit to a lifestyle change, particularly when one hates everything about the changes. So nothing happens because wishes still aren’t horses, and no one is riding.

There have been many versions of various challenges, most of which I’ve found so restrictive that this picture sums up my thoughts perfectly on what a typical meal on one of these challenges looks like:

plate of ice

Absolutely NOTHING is appealing about this. I decided I would rather be fat and happy.

Then, a friend sent me this and said let’s do it:

4 week challenge.JPG

After a few moments of deep thought and introspection, I thought, “this one is actually doable! I’m in.”

We decided to undertake this challenge for July 2018. Upon successful completion (the particulars of which I will save for another post), I’d lost five pounds and confirmed the basic “secret” to successful weight loss: take in fewer calories than you use.

Disclaimer: I am not presenting myself in any way an expert in this field or any other; I am only sharing my journey with you. Always check with your doctor and any other necessary professionals before starting any diet/exercise program.

I did not change anything else in my life, and outside of the items in the above, I continued to eat what I wanted. One change we did allow: juice was allowed in homemade smoothies.

Months previously (don’t ask how many, that would be rude and this is a judgment-free zone), I’d told myself when I lost 5 pounds I would allow myself to buy a new lip gloss.

At the beginning of September (having successfully kept those 5 pounds off throughout August, meaning I really, really lost the weight), I was the proud owner of a new MAC lip gloss.


Shiny lips popping until next time…

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