At the Starting Line of my Financial Journey

Budgets. Finances. Savings. Debt.

These aren’t bad words, yet here in the U.S. they have been historically treated like they are. (Disclaimer: this is all my opinion.) Financial fundamentals are not taught in schools anymore (again, generally speaking – if you received some knowledge or financial tools in high school, your school is to be commended), and kids are stepping out on their own with no real knowledge of finances, budgeting, or how the world works. We are doing the kids a disservice by not being more open about money and finances, and by not teaching them so they can start on better footing


Stepping down from my mini soapbox…

Along with other things, I am also on a financial improvement journey. While I was aware of some things along the way, I really did not get into good financial habits and made some poor decisions (okay, several…a lot of poor decisions) that have put me far away from the financial position I should be in. And not because I’m trying to keep up with the Joneses, or because society thinks I should be in a certain place at this age. I know I should be in a better financial place because I had the tools and resources to do better. But I didn’t use them. And I’ve been beating myself up and putting off making hard choices and being lazy for a while. But it’s time for a change. I’ve forgiven myself for these decisions and I’m going to do better.


This is a judgment-free zone. Everything is what it is. I’m not perfect and I am still going to live my life. I’ll just have to keep some of the fabulousness to my dreams for now.


As Dory said in Finding Nemo, “just keep swimming.”

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