How are those wellness baby steps coming along?
My main goal this month was to increase my step goal to 5500 steps per day. Two sub goals were:
- Increasing my (pure) water intake. By pure, I mean plain water. I am not even counting the sparkling water I drink, although most feel I should include it in my water total. Since I drink it for the carbonation and to give me that soda feel without the soda, I do not include it.
- Eat real food on a regular basis. I will often not eat, and will often allow snacking to count as meals. Two bad habits, but I’m working on them.
Here’s how the month was coming along:

Planner decorated to help get me on the right track, but as you see, almost nothing tracked but the steps. Goal hit every day except one though!!

Steps weren’t as great, but I was better at keeping up with my eating and even managed to get to the gym. #winning
When I first began this post, I was very excited about my progress for the month and how I was doing. Work has been super stressful, but I have been trying to manage that with increased walking and taking breaks more frequently; even phoning a friend when I needed to (okay texting, but same concept).

Then illness struck and I am posting this from my sick bed. 🙁
I’ll see how the numbers turn out, but I know it’s been rough. I haven’t even looked to see how many steps I’ve been getting because my bed has become my new favorite love.
However, I wanted to highlight something that I feel has contributed to me hitting my goals more regularly, in case it helps you: having an accountability buddy. Like me, you’ve probably heard of the benefits of having an accountability several times, but never moved past reading the suggestion on the page. Whether it’s because you’re an introvert like me, or because it’s hard to make friends as an adult, I am here to tell you, this is verified as a motivator.
My accountability buddy and I check in with each other daily to see if we have accomplished the things we said we would do. While not judgmental or pushy, it is easier to go ahead and complete the task/item, rather than have to explain why you have not done it. On the 15th (second picture above) when you see the random assortment of pushups etc., I was struggling to meet my steps this day and was mostly in the bed, contemplating just starting over the next day. My accountability buddy texting me to get up and do 10 sit-ups and get my steps in was the push I needed. Sometimes all you need is another voice saying you can do it to counteract the one in your head saying you don’t have to.
Making better choices every day…
This is true. It is better to have an accountability partner. I need to get it together for real. Thanks
You’re welcome! It may take a few tries, or more than one if you have a few varied interests, but don’t give up. You got this!