Today was one of those days that dawned with the best of intentions. And you know what they say about those…
I think the mini rebellion began about 4:30 in the morning, when I got up to use the bathroom for the second time. (Remember my post from yesterday about increasing your water intake? Yep. Doesn’t take much to trigger this reaction, at least not in my body.) My brain decided it would not keep track of any small thing I needed it to do today. I, however, was blissfully unaware of this until much, much later in the day.
While I got all of the little people where they needed to go, I cannot, for the life of me, remember much else about the day. It’s been a long time since I experienced “Mommy brain”. I know I did things. The tiny humans are still alive. Everything else is a blur.
Was feeling a little tired when I finally got home, but was about 1,100 steps short of my daily 6,500 goal. Instead of getting in the bed, I talked to one of the kids and walked in place and around my house to make sure I met my goal for the day.
Day 2 Results:
- Steps: 6664
- Water: I surely had some at some point today. Right?
- Fitbit Active Minutes: 19 (Running errands through the day/a little kid wrangling)
- No intentional activity other than steps

Not nearly as great of a day as yesterday, but I made the extra effort to make sure I got my steps in. Might be a small thing to you, but it is a big deal to me.
Celebrating the win.