On the 16th I learned Verizon does not give grace periods.
I usually try to have Verizon paid before the due date so I’m not paying the day of. I am more likely to forget – or in this case, my bed was sooo comfortable and I did not feel like getting up to get my phone or my wallet to pay said bill the night it was due. I literally laid in the bed and said to myself ‘oh, I’ll pay it tomorrow.’
Got some good sleep that night. Didn’t remember until almost 4:00 the next afternoon that I needed to pay the bill still. No problem. I pulled out my phone, pulled up the Verizon app, and paid the bill. It said thank you for your payment; since your bill was past due you have been assessed a late fee.
Granted – I was late. The bill was due on the 15thand I didn’t pay it until the 16th. This is not up for debate. I was wrong. I guess I’ve gotten comfortable with certain bills or utilities giving grace periods. Every car note I’ve had, utilities, even AT&T. And this wasn’t even 24 hours!
But I learned a very valuable lesson. I need to treat Verizon like my credit cards and Navient – they are going to get their money. On time. Don’t laugh – I woke up to a “thank you for your payment” email from Navient Christmas morning!

Note to self: Pay Verizon on time.