Say Goodbye to 2018!
Better late than never, right? I’ll spare you the details, but here is a quick post to see how I closed out 2018. First, how did the December 15 paycheck turn out? We already knew I had a zero-based budget…
real-life journeys, realistic life tips, and random rants
Better late than never, right? I’ll spare you the details, but here is a quick post to see how I closed out 2018. First, how did the December 15 paycheck turn out? We already knew I had a zero-based budget…
Perhaps elevators are more novelty than commonplace; I seem to encounter more and more people who do not realize how elevators work most effectively. If you are a hermit, or someone who mostly visits one-story establishments, an elevator may seem…
I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating now: at this stage in my financial journey, I am not prepared to hibernate and eat grass and leaves in order to help meet my financial goals and pay down some of…
Maybe you’re like me and have (or had) too many baby steps you were trying to tackle at once. In my case, because they were in different areas (daily steps, water intake, eating more regularly), I thought I would have…
Okay, I’ve put off looking at the second half of the month for as long as I can, but I have to go ahead and do it. Avoidance will not make this go away. You should not do this either…
I don’t give businesses my direct phone number. I have been an avid Google Voice customer for years, and I use that number for all business transactions. Besides being a wonderful gatekeeper of spam calls, it is the only way…
If you were to count the bills in the featured image, you would find 33. That’s a lot – it’s not up for debate, and I’m not hiding from it. The goal is to get that number down, but for…
I struggled when deciding whether to put this post as a random rant or a wellness post. I clearly have not been doing weekly check-ins on the wellness side of things, and actually just wanted to get some things off…