Paycheck Budget – December #1

If you were to count the bills in the featured image, you would find 33. That’s a lot – it’s not up for debate, and I’m not hiding from it. The goal is to get that number down, but for now, it is what it is. Spoiler alert: the number is actually 34, but that won’t be reflected until January’s overview.

I needed some clothes, so I used a card I hadn’t used in a while to get some. While this isn’t the best practice when one is on a journey to get out of debt, I also feel I need to look presentable. I also don’t buy clothes that often, and Black Friday sales (for someone who hates clothes shopping) are a good time to get some basic pieces.

Yes I know I should bargain shop, shop off-season, and try stores such as Marshall’s and Ross for clothes purchases, but having to look through every. single. rack. in the women’s section (because while things may have been put on the floor according to size, that was days ago, and now retail workers do their best to keep the clothes off the floor after we customers put them back wherever, sizes be damned) just to find three possibles that I still have to try on, only one of which may actually work does not appeal to me. It’s not good for my mental health. I’ll leave that to you fashionistas and shopping gurus.

Don’t get me wrong – I get excited when I see someone wearing something fabulous and ask where they got it, but my heart sinks when they say something like ‘Ross’ or ‘TJMaxx’ because it’s usually followed by something like ‘it was in the boys section’ or ‘I found it in between some size 4 dresses’. Yea, no. The extra 30 or 45 minutes they spent scouring the store is longer than I want to be in the store at all, including parking and check out. Unless it’s for electronics. Or planner supplies.

Sorry, way off-topic here. Getting back, December’s 1st paycheck budget is as follows:


Looking good, right? At least this paycheck I’m projecting an overage ($4.50 is better than the negatives I started out with on the last paycheck budgets).

As usual, life says ha! (I’m also finding life says this a lot more when things are in disarray, but this is why I’m starting to get it together.)

There are a few things I know I’m going to have to pay this month, and will need to be covered some kind of way, as yet to be determined:

  • Additional medical costs of about $425
  • My car is due for an oil change (the light is on)
  • An annual bill is due at the end of the month, I expect it to be somewhere around $150

It looks worse than it is, but I can only do one thing at a time. Baby steps. So I’m not worried. This is not a quick journey (I know y’all may be tired of me saying it, but it’s the truth, and I have to keep reminding myself as well).

But if you see something I’ve posted online for sale, go ahead and check it out if you need it. I promise you it’s in good condition and comes from a good home.

Help your girl out.

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