I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating now: at this stage in my financial journey, I am not prepared to hibernate and eat grass and leaves in order to help meet my financial goals and pay down some of this debt. I am still working on undoing years of bad habits, and Rome was not built in a day. What this does mean, is that sometimes I have to accept the consequences of these actions.
This paycheck’s budget is a zero-dollar budget, which means every dollar of my paycheck has been allocated. Yay.
The problem with this is I got paid the same day I came back from a cruise where I had a fabulous time, even though I was not truly financially prepared for the trip, despite having most of 2018 to do so. Let’s pause for a moment here to remind ourselves this is a judgment-free zone. If you also want to take part of this minute to send me well wishes for relaxing and improving my mental health, I’m here for it. I knew before I went that my theme song was going to be Pitbull & Ne-Yo’s – Time of Our Lives.
In order to move forward in this journey, I know this is the last time that can happen. As you look at the below, there was only $186.71 left for me to live off of (after my regular bills are paid) to include food, gas, and allergy shots for two weeks. The $40 gas allotment is going to be gone after my first fill-up, which will come this week.

Would I do it again? Not in the same way. When you know better, you do better. Do I regret it?
Not one bit.
I just have to remind myself of that when I’m eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch every day and having rice and beans for dinner.