April Budget Review

Sigh. Yes, I fell off the face of the earth again, but I have made significant strides on my expense tracking and budgeting as I am still trying to find out what works for me.

Here’s a recap:

  • I am a paycheck budgeter. I am not yet ready to truly forecast for the month, even though many people advise to do this. Because I am (gratefully) employed as a W-2 employee, it is easier for me to budget by those major paychecks, rather than try to plan around everything else. 
  • The first pay period (March 31 – April 14, 2020) was the first one in a long time where I got my expenses to match down to the penny!
  • I track credit card spending separately. Credit card spending is still a work in progress, though I note it for accountability’s sake.

My first pay period spending breakdown was:

  • Debt – 1180.51
  • Eating Out – 17.88
  • Food – 113.17
  • Fun Money – 35.48
  • Gas – 28.83
  • Household – 28
  • Housing/Utilities – 996.05
  • Insurance – 143.39
  • Misc – 10
  • Sinking Funds – 155.76
  • The Kid – 0.21
  • Carryover – 298.31

Credit card spending was net $473.77.

My second pay period breakdown was as follows:

Savings/Sinking Funds116.9498.94

Credit card spending was net $827.63.

I decided to take advantage of a 0% balance transfer offer to bring two of my higher interest-rate credit cards to an almost zero balance, with a plan to bring the balances to zero by the end of June.

With everything going on in the world, how did your April turn out?

Share your Thoughts!