A Cookie Quandary

I have been trying to be a more positive person, not complain as much, keep my cool, yada, yada, yada. Not because of the pandemic but in an effort to not be such a negative Nancy.

However there are some things that just can’t be left unsaid, and I’ve held my tongue far too long.

If you noticed the cover image at the top, then you already know today’s topic: chocolate chip cookies.

Yes – chocolate chip cookies. 

(If you honestly don’t like chocolate chip cookies, or are allergic, I’m sorry you’re missing out. Feel free to jump to another post.)

Whether you like them hard or soft, there is something indescribable that satisfies a need in my brain when I  bite into that mix of cookie and white chocolate.

Yes, you read that right. White chocolate. I don’t like milk chocolate chip cookies. (As an aside, milk chocolate isn’t even my first choice for a lot of things, unless it’s surrounding Reese’s peanut butter (cups, not pieces, trail mix, or anything else), the occasional Snickers or 3Musketeers bar, or a single Lindt chocolate ball.)

Every time I mention this, people act as if I said I wanted to eat wet dog food. Why the hate for white chocolate chip cookies? It’s not as if white chocolate chips are a rare commodity that one can only read about or fancifully dream about having one day. It is also not hard to work with; it does not have sharp or prickly spikes or a tough outer shell you have to break out your indestructible tools to get into. As a matter of fact, I happen to see them right next to the regular chocolate chip morsels, in a nice, easy to open bag, just like it’s counterpart. Yet, people react to it like the proverbial red-headed stepchild, and it’s not even packaged in that hard plastic some things come in you have to risk life and limb to open.

It’s traditionally not even allowed to be out by itself. It’s usually mixed up with the macadamia nuts and while it gets top billing as a “white chocolate macadamia nut” cookie, I think it’s unfair to both the white chocolate and the macadamia nut that they always have to share the spotlight. Each is a perfectly fine ingredient on its own merit!

End rant.

 What is your culinary pet peeve?

2 thoughts on “A Cookie Quandary

    1. Agreed! Everyone always says you ‘need the flavor’, but I’m willing to experiment with a little less of it. 🙂

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