Paycheck Budget – November #1

I can type all I want and give you advice and let you know what I’m doing, but it doesn’t help me if there’s no accountability. The goal is to improve and do better. I know where I need to make some changes, I just need that extra push sometimes.

To that end, I’ll be doing paycheck check-ins so you can see the plan for the current paycheck. This might even help you figure out some things in your budget. Let’s all help each other.

I’ll put my budget up, then come back later and review how it went.

We’ve already covered that I have a lot of bills. Let’s not dwell on that. We are all about baby steps and moving forward here.


As you can see, I’m projected to be short by $13.50 this paycheck based on what I’ve budgeted. Looks like there will have to be some on the fly adjustments, or figure out how to get some more money coming in.


In the words of Disney’s Dory: “Just keep swimming; just keep swimming.”

How is your paycheck budget looking?

Share your Thoughts!