Marketing Emails

I love getting deals and discounts, and I finally succumbed to signing up for email lists a few years ago since that’s where a lot of companies give the good coupons.

Sidebar: I hate shopping. Except for electronics. Electronic shopping is peaceful, an almost zen-like experience. Clothes and shoe shopping is not quite as bad as grocery store shopping, but it’s a serious contender. I know you may want to pull my girl card for it, but let’s just remember this is a judgment-free zone. 🙂


New York & Company has sent me 11 emails in 3 days.

NY&Co email example.png


This is borderline bill collector activity, or like “Sarah from travel services” calling to see about my next vacation.


It is annoying if I’m trying to do a “no spend”, or if I just don’t have any money for extra shopping. LET. ME. BE. GREAT.

And before you tell me I don’t have to look at the emails, I present to you the case of Bath & Body Works, who apparently does not believe in letting you receive fewer emails (at least they didn’t some time ago). I selected the ‘fewer emails’ option for Bath & Body Works on a different email account, and it seems I receive an email from them maybe four times a year – the two semi-annual sales, Black Friday, and Christmas.

Have they never heard of a happy medium? I may have some disposable income and want to put it to good use if there is a really good sale on. If it’s a really good sale, I’ll load up. I was once told my bathroom cabinet looked like a stripper’s dressing room (or something like that – I decided to take the spiritof the comment as a compliment). When I moved a few months ago, I did have a couple of boxes of justBath & Body Works products…but I’ve been using and downsizing since then and why am I explaining myself? This is a judgment-free zone and I’m all off-topic.


My point is, let me choose between the Sahara and Niagara Falls. It shouldn’t be all or (almost) nothing.


Deep breath.

Rant over.

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