It’s taken me 56 days to write this post.
It occurred to me that I’ve never actually listed my debt breakdown. Sure, I’ve detailed my bills and payments, whether I’ve succeeded with my budget plan in a given period, but the total number that I owe?

Subconsciously I wasn’t ready to face it. I’m still not; not completely. However, I also realize that knowing numbers (or at least the breakdown) can be important. Even when I am on youtube looking at other people’s journeys for inspiration, the high debt numbers intrigue me because they’re closer to my own. If I click on the video and then see that most of their 6-figure debt is a mortgage, I’m not as invested. Not because I don’t care, but my first thought is our struggles are different.
So I get it. Maybe you can fully relate to me and my struggles, maybe you can’t. But if you don’t see my numbers, you won’t know. To that end, here are my total debt numbers, as of August and September 1, 2021.

Before you run away and say ‘hey, you’re doing it wrong’ because my grand total increased, there are several wins here:
- my student loan total went down (I made some small payments even though all of my loans fall under the COVID forbearance and no payments are due),
- my personal loan total also decreased,
- and I made some additional payments on my credit cards.
However, as we all know, Murphy (of Murphy’s law) is alive and well, and no less present in my life than he is in yours. My car ended up needing about $1600 worth of immediate repairs.
Because I have been budgeting and taking better control of my finances, I am actually pleased that I did not have to finance this entire amount on a credit card, as I would have done in years past. So although it looks bad, it’s just life.
This journey will have ups and downs, but hopefully, you will find that once you start to settle into a groove you are better able to ride the rollercoaster. Frankly, life happens.
Outside is expensive.