Let’s talk about budget calendars. Are they helpful? For many people, yes. If you’re a visual person, definitely. Is it necessary? No.
What is a budget calendar? A budget calendar is a way to keep track of your bills, automatic expenses, and things you know of in advance that may cost you money. The calendar can be digital or written, simple or complex. You can keep track of the due dates in a list on your phone, a digital app, or put them as appointments in a calendar format of your choosing. You can have a list written on paper, and cross the bills off as they are paid. No matter what method you choose, the point is to see everything that is due at one time (typically a month), so you can make sure everything gets paid.
I used to put bill due dates in my Outlook calendar, but I am a paper and pen girl at heart. I have made a list of bills and then crossed them off as I paid them. This method worked, but did not necessarily capture as much of my financial picture as I needed. It was too easy to forget about the copay until I was at the doctor’s office pulling out a credit card.

This is what my calendar looked like in January. Nothing fancy, but I had incorporated The Budget Mom’s (thebudgetmom.com) highlighter method of highlighting what bills went with each check.
For the next couple of months, I will take this a step further and put all of the plans on it that cost me money. Here’s a better view of this month’s calendar using this method:

Here is how I choose what to include on my budget calendar:
- Fixed, recurring bills and automatic withdrawals (including savings!)
- Appointments that will incur a cost (oil changes, beauty appointments, medical visits, etc.)
- Travel (there’s ALWAYS a cost)
- Birthdays or other events that will incur a cost
- Variable spending is not included
- Items that need to be paid, but don’t have a fixed due date are included
Lastly, my budget calendar covers the pay periods from my main job.
In case you missed it, the goal is to incorporate all of the things that may cost you money, so you can plan for them as best you can. If you do not have enough money to cover it all, it will help you prioritize.
However you use it, a budget calendar is a good starting point to get you on your financial journey.
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