March Fitness & Wellness Mid-Month Check-In

The next few days are going to be a little hectic, so I figured I would do my check-in a little early.

March Fitness Goals

I have three daily goals:

  • 40 oz water – met 17% of the time

I haven’t been including sparkling water in my total, but even that wouldn’t add enough to bring my numbers up. I just need to do better.

  • 6000 steps – met 75% of the time

Small victory: For these first 12 days, I’ve walked a total of 78,269 steps. My average daily step is 6,522.42. Yay me!

  • Original goal: eat breakfast Modified goal: eat something within 3 hours of waking

Goal met 58% of the time. Considering I was one of those people who never ate breakfast, this isn’t half bad.

March Wellness Goals

  • Affirmation journal through the week

While I have not been the best at writing these down through the week, I do make sure to check out @poshplans’ Instagram stories every day to at least hear the affirmation. When I’m not in a place to write it down immediately, I will at least jot it down and take a picture to be written down later.

  • Write in journal daily to decompress

This is also running about 50% of the time; I’ve been having long days where by the time I get home the last thing I am thinking about is writing in my journal. However, I do recognize that some days it really helps release some of the stress you don’t even realize you’re holding on to.

While I did not have a set goal, I would also like to note here that I have gone to the gym 6 times this month already. (If you’ve made improvements in an area that you were not actively tracking, go ahead and pat yourself on the back. Shoot, yell and do your happy dance. You have to go hard for yourself. I’m rooting for you.)

Overall, this isn’t that bad. During this process you have to give yourself grace and be conscious of not being too hard on yourself, or comparing yourself to someone else.

Yes, it could be better, but remember, a lifestyle change, which is the journey we are on, consists of thousands of baby steps. Just start with one.


How are you doing with those S.M.A.R.T. goals??

Share your Thoughts!