February Paychecks Review

I’m behind in posting these, so today’s post will look at both February paychecks. It will be interesting to see both paychecks/budgets side-by-side.

Total Actual Income: $3,928.11                      Total Actual Expenses: $3,730.15

Looking at the raw numbers, it looks like I had a surplus of $197.96 with which to put towards my debt balance. Let’s take a closer look at the numbers:

The Good:

  • Brought in an additional $334.70 by rideshare driving.
  • I did pay the additional $70 on CC 7 with the first paycheck; I failed to note it; that “surplus” should only read $127.96.
  • SC 5 is almost paid off, there’s only $83.83 left to pay. Whoo hoo!!

The Bad:

  • I had to pull money from my savings to bring in some additional income.
  • I didn’t pay the gas bill this month. First I forgot, then by the time I remembered, I didn’t have the money to pay it.

The Ugly:

  • My cash envelope budgets for this month were completely unrealistic. For example I had little to no budgets for food really, even though we all have to eat.
  • My income was a little higher as I was repaid some money I was owed, so that will have to be accounted for next month.
  • I did not pay SC 5 out of any money this month. It worked out such that the payment is not due until March 6, but I’ve been budgeting to pay it out of the second check.

A lot of shortcuts this month, but sometimes it can’t be helped. Rather than get too down on myself, I am just going to put my head down and try to do better for next month.

Just keep swimming; just keep swimming; just keep swimming.

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